Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Blobby gets active

Well I can finally feel him!!!.I'd been having twinges and things and wasn't sure whether it was Blobby or not, but when it comes, there's no mistaking it. Blobby has been playing fun and games with HB, he'd go all active and then when HB would feel, it was 'radio silence' Looks like a baby is never too early to play hide and seek! HB finally felt a little flutter so now he knows I'm not making it up!

We had our wedding anniversary too - a little bit different from past anniversaries (The Ivy in London, New Forest, France, Cabo San Lucas, The Grand Canyon and Vegas and Puerta Vallarta) This time we were both at work and then we were getting ready for the delivery of our furniture. HB surprised me by breaking our rule of 'no Blobby purchases until the third trimester' by producing an eight piece baby ensemble. He also gave me a t-shirt that says "Does my Bump look big in this?" Cool!

All of our furniture is moved in now and we are starting to feel more settled. We're really happy in our new house, it has such a nice feel to it. My favourite things are the dining room, our sofa and our bed (soooooooooo comfortable!)

Visitors on the weekend (Dom, Craig & Samuel) Our first toddler in the house and I think it all went very well (every bit of experience helps I guess) I thought I would makes things nice and safe for Samuel by going out to buy some stair gates so I went to the nearest 'Mothercare' shop. Closest thing I've had to a panic attack!! It was all too much for me, so much stuff, I turned and ran out without buying a thing. Guess I'm not quite ready for that yet, at least without support anyway!

Had another Ultrasound last week and all is very well. Everything is OK and Blobby was jumping around. Photos weren't as good though this time around but he sure looked great up on the screen. Potential for a ceasarian - the placenta is lying low so we'll keep an eye on that. No big deal though as it may also move upwards as Blobby develops. Finally getting to register with local doctors and midwife so we can start properly planning. Scary - I'm 22 and a half weeks pregnant - who'd have though eh?

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